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Inner and East Asia case studies

In order to understand how radically differing or even mutually exclusive perceptions of history developed, Kreddha took Inner- and East Asia as its case study and embarked on an extensive program of research, discussion and reflection on the historical nature of polities and their relations in the region from the rise of Genghis Khan in the 13th century to the inclusion of the region in the modern international legal order in the early 20th century.

With the cooperation and support of five academic institutions, Kreddha first co-hosted five 3-day interdisciplinary roundtables on the nature of rule and interpolity relations in which a total of 74 scholars—political scientists, anthropologists, Sinologists, Mongolicists, Tibetologists, specialists on Central Asia—from Asia, Europe and North America, discussed their most recent work based on a broad range of Asian sources. For a short description of the subject matter of each roundtable as well as the participants and the papers they presented, please click here.

The project prompted further research and reflection with the aim to refine the methodology Kreddha is developing for addressing history in intrastate conflicts and peace processes. In order to better understand the implications of the practice today of projecting modern international law concepts onto history in an effort to bolster territorial claims, Kreddha co-hosted an additional three 2-day scholarly seminars. Click here for more information on the follow-up research project.

The project has resulted in a publication that presents insights into historical Asian relations that are relevant for understanding relations, tensions and conflicts in the region today. Published by Chicago University Press, Sacred Mandates; Asian International Relations since Chinggis Khan is written both for academics, including graduate students, and for policymakers, including those dealing with conflicts.