The resolution of conflicts and building of peace takes great effort and time and requires sustained financial commitment from dedicated supporters. In order for Kreddha to maintain its independence, the organization does not accept funds from parties to the conflicts it helps resolve. We depend on and deeply appreciate your support.
Kreddha is incorporated as a non-profit organization and has tax exempt status in the United States and in the Netherlands. Details are provided below.
There are different ways in which you can financially help Kreddha achieve its mission.
Donate online
Make a donation using a credit card or your PayPal account. Your donation will be processed via PayPal. You can make a one-time credit card donation through PayPal without signing up for a PayPal account.
Donations from the United States and Canada
Kreddha North America is a non-profit organization incorporated in California and recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) 3 of the tax code. Your contributions are therefore tax deductible under United States law. Our Federal Tax ID# is 94-3369489.
Other ways to make donations
To make tax-deductible donations from the US or Canada you can also:
make a direct bank transfer or arrange for periodic automatic transfers to the Kreddha account at the New Resources Bank, in San Francisco. For details, please contact the Kreddha Financial Administrator at,
send a check made out to Kreddha-North America , and sent to 32 the Financial Administrator, Kreddha, PO BOX 9253, Santa Fe, NM 87504.
To make tax-deductible donations from the Netherlands and to make donations from elsewhere in Europe that may be tax deductible depending on national law, you should transfer the donation amount to STF Kreddha, a fund created and managed by the Stichting Triodos Foundation (, an institution with the mission to support initiatives that benefit people and the environment. The foundation -affiliated to the Triodos Bank- selected Kreddha as its partner in the field of peace and human rights. Triodos Bank clients may also choose to donate (a portion of) their annual interest earnings to this Kreddha fund.
Please make your donations as follows:
STF Kreddha
IBAN: NL45 TRIO 0781 4269 60
Triodos Bank
Postbus 55
3700AB Zeist
The Netherlands
For more information on the ways to donate to Kreddha and on tax deductibility issues, please contact Stichting Triodos Foundation at phone number: +31 30 693 65 35 or via email:
For all questions you may also contact Kreddha's Executive President by email at
Voor Nederlanders die Kreddha willen ondersteunen in haar vredeswerk
Kreddha bankiert bij Triodos Bank. Deze bank financiert bedrijven, instellingen en projecten met een meerwaarde op sociaal, milieu en cultureel gebied, daartoe in staat gesteld door spaarders en beleggers die kiezen voor maatschappelijk verantwoord en duurzaam ondernemen. Stichting Triodos Foundation heeft Kreddha geselecteerd als enige partner voor klanten en anderen die graag willen doneren ten behoeve van vrede of mensenrechten. In nr. 98 (voorjaar 2007) van het nieuwsblad Triodosnieuws, werd Kreddha derhalve voorgesteld aan Triodosklanten.
Giften aan Kreddha kunnen worden gestort in het speciaal hiervoor opgerichte steunfonds (STF Kreddha) binnen de stichting Triodos Foundation van Triodos Bank. Bovendien kunnen Triodosklanten er voor kiezen (een deel van) hun jaarlijkse rente ten goede te laten komen aan dit steunfonds. Donaties zijn belastingaftrekbaar.
U kunt uw gift eenmalig of via een regelmatige automatische overschrijving, overmaken naar:?
STF Kreddha
IBAN: NL45 TRIO 0781 4269 60
Triodos Bank,
Postbus 55
3700AB Zeist
U kunt ook op andere manieren financieel bijdragen. Mocht uw interesse hebben in regelmatig doneren, fiscaal aantrekkelijke manieren om te schenken, of Kreddha willen opnemen in uw testament, contacteer dan Stichting Triodos Foundation, telefoonnummer: 030-693 65 35 of via email: